Thursday, August 18, 2011

Hipster George

Symptoms of Stupidity

Hello everybody! Do you have a friend or family member that has suspicious behavior? Ever considered that they could be stupid? (or the medical term, a moron) Here are a list of symptoms:

1. The mouth open. The number one sign of stupidity is when a person constantly lets their mouth hang open. Not wide open, like a gaping hole, but just slightly open. And they usually have this blank look in their eyes when they hang their mouth open. If you don't know how to close your mouth (excluding people with legitimate problems) then you clearly are an idiot. 

2. Using death threats when contradicted. This one is hard to explain, so let me give you an example. So imagine there are two people. Person A and Person B (i'll just use A and B for short). So A says "I am voting for Candidate 1 in the next election because he wants to lower taxes". B tells him "No A, it's Candidate 2 who wants to lower taxes, not Candidate 1". Now a normal person would disagree with B and nicely give a counter argument, but a stupid person responds "I hope you die you fucking ass hole! Fuck you and your family! Get the hell out of my god damned country you unpatriotic shit! I hope you fucking die a fucking death and get shot down!" (excuse my language, but that's how morons talk). The only way they can defend them self is by yelling curse word filled death threats.

3. Not knowing when it is appropriate to joke around. It is one thing to joke around with friends and family, but its another thing when you are in a business meeting, and you keep cracking sex jokes like a 12 year old boy. If you don't understand the difference between going out with friends and a funeral, then something is wrong with you.

4. This one relates a bit with number two, but I think it still deserves its own number (because it's so cool like that). Not being able to tolerate people who are different. And I don't race or sexuality (although you are stupid if you can't accept someone a different race of sexuality either) but for things a lot less serious, like a different taste in music. Lets say (using person A and B again) that A likes to listen to rock music, while B likes to listen to pop. Instead of A accepting the fact that B likes different music, he calls B "a freak who has no taste and should be shot down and buried in a pile of crap and then pissed on 200 times" [again with the death threats] 

If anybody you know show any of these 4 symptoms, then there are high chances that they are stupid.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Happy Tuesday Afternoon!

Hello, haven't been posting for a few days , but i'm back! So Friday I wrote about the stupid stories on Yahoo, and today I found THE dumbest of them all. I mean, I honestly can't find anything dumber than this story... at all... absolutely nothing. Just take a look:
Seriously, I can't even PRETEND to like this story like I did in my last post. When in the world would anybody need to know this? How is this homepage news? And I'm not just hating on Yahoo, all the other news stories post just as dumb stuff. It just happenes that I use Yahoo email. I wonder what goes trough the minds of the writers....

I can just imagine the boss holding a meeting with all the writers, and he goes "What would be news for today? hmm, well there's famine in Africa, the presidential candidates are starting to create their campaings, and all these serious problems in the world. Which article would be the best?" And then one of the writers burst into the doors of the meeting and goes "DROP EVERYTHING! A veteran Rock, Paper, Scissors player just gave the secret on how to win!" and they all scurry off to post ths breaking news onto the home page.

Btw, how in the world do you become a veteran Rock, Paper, Sissors player? That, I will never know....

Friday, August 12, 2011

The Intelligent stories on Yahoo's homepage!

I decided to post the most amazing stories from the Yahoo homepage! I am the type of person who likes to read enriching stories with deep intellectual meaning, and I feel as though Yahoo does a great job providing me with them! Just check out these:

1) This story really caught my eye, because every day, when I wake up in the morning, the first thing I think to myself is "What is the best way to win Monopoly?" Now my dream is coming ture! I can finally know how to win Monopoly! And, not just anybody is sharing this treasured secret, its only the top "math whizzes"!

2) What a truely touching story! This story has three tear inducing factors to it: an old man, a little girl, and a ring! How much more inspirational can this get? And look at the bottom right of the screen, where the recommended stories are. Apparently, a thief swallowed a ring! Also, a boy got his wallet back! See, these are the kind of inspirational stories you only get on Yahoo!

3) Whew, after such a deep story, it's great to see a more humorous article! Let me summarize this one for you. So, at one of his golf games, Tiger Woods made this crazy shot into the woods. Now, get this. While most of the audience had fairly normal reactions, there was this one fan who had this HILARIOUS reaction! Thanks, Yahoo, for making my day! And they couldn't have picked a better sport then golf. 
4) Okay, whats more interesting then a story about the royal family? That's right, NOTHING! The fact that I am American, and they are not even royals of my country, makes it even more exciting! Anyways, this article was about a magazine titled Grazia. Of course I read Grazia all day, every day! The magazine apparently photoshoped a picture of Kate at her wedding to make her look thinner. Shame on them. I am totes going to boycott Grazia....

5) My last one! This article is absolutely amazing. What, besides the royal family, is better then finding my perfect pair of jeans! FINALLY, my perfect pair of jeans! And, its not like anybody sponsered this article. No, Yahoo did it out of the goodness of their hearts, because they really wanted to share with the public what the perfect pair of jeans are.

Okay, normally I don't like to judge news websites because I understand that some days are more eventful then others, so of course there will be some slow day stories. But come on, Yahoo, where are your slow day stories? All I find are these amazingly insightful ones!

(btw, this is sarcastic, just incase you didn't figure that out by now...)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Before I make you a sandwitch:

Since I am a girl, I hear the "make me a sandwitch" and "you belong in the kitchen" crap a lot. So I decided, for any guy who asks me to make them a sandwitch, I will. BUT, if we are going to play by gender roles, here are a list of things you will need to do before I make you a sandwitch:

1. Go to college. Men are supposed to be educated and smart right? So stop being a waste of space, and get a degree! If I can do it, you certainly can, right?

2. Get a job. Men are supposed to be the bread winners, right? So get up, stop playing you're xbox 360, and get a job. And not some stupid job like "Official Walmart Cashier", no something that goes 9 to 5 everyday, 5 days a week.

3. Well, not only do you have to get a job, you will have to hunt for food. How can I make you a sandwitch if you don't provide me with some meat to make that sandwitch with? And going to the grocery store doesn't cut it mister. You want to play by gender rolls? Then hunt me a turky god dammit!

4. Now I need to have a roof over my head. You got the food and the money, build me a house dammit! And a nice one, too.

5.  Alright, so provided you get some meat and money, and put a roof over my head, step five is for you to do all the yard work. The grass won't mow its self, now will it? The house needs a new fence, and as a man, you need to put it up. I'm I girl, I can't.

6. Okay, the yard is nice and clean now. Time to enlist for the army! As a man, you are supposed to protect me, right? So go out and serve this country!

If you meet all 6 of these steps, I will gladly make you a sandwitch. In fact, I will have 20 kids for you, clean the house, and sew clothes all day! But, since I am guessing none of the guys reading this have accomplished any of these things, you can man up and make your own damn sandwitch!

OH NO!!!

btw, aliens are taking over the world. nbd

This picture is titled "Nathalie's crappy attempt to do something cool on photoshop"

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Imma take the time to say...

So this was an article on yahoo today. Now usually, I don't take the time (infact I usually don't even care) to read the articles on yahoo, but this one really caugt my eye. This article just made me hurt in so may different ways for Rebecca Black.  I am not one of those people who say stupid ass things like “ur all haterz! u’s just jelouz cause she better then u’s!” (all the people who say that have terrible grammar) because there’s not much to be jealous about. Nor am I a Friday fanatic with posters of Rebecca all over my walls, but she in no ways deserves this. At all.

As someone who was bullied, I know that it is one of the most painful experiences. I honestly would rather slowly peel my skin off with a razor blade (first thing that came to mind?) then have to go through what I went through one more time. And I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemies, never the less a kind of bad youtube singer. Some of the things people tell this poor girl are just terrible, and makes me ashamed to be part of the human race. Does Rebecca Black deserve to kill her self for singing a song you do not like? Not at all.

Sorry about my long rant, but bullying is one of those things that I just won't tolerate (and I tolerate a LOT of things)

btw, here is the full article:

Hippity hippity hop

Day 4 already? Today I decided instead of ranting on about crap like usual... "noooo... Nathalie I can't stand change!".... too bad. As i was saying, before your thougts interupted me (excuse you) instead of ranting about crap like usual, im going to post more hipster posts:

Hope you enjoy! (or should I say "Hip you enjoy" get it? i know, im not that funny....). Click them to make them bigger. Btw, why is blogger having issues with google chrome? Whenever I try to post on blogger when using chrome, it doesnt show up....

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

He's too cool for you

click to make bigger
This is what I do when I have photshop and too much free time....


I officially made it through two days of this, so now day three. Today I noticed something about myself. Is it just me, or do you get competitive while driving? I don't know why, but when I am driving, it's like I become a whole  different person. Usually when I drive to class, I go the longest and slowest way possible because I hate getting to class early. Today, on the other hand, I was on my way to class, and there was this car in the lane that started to go a bit faster then me. I suddenly got into the mentality where I was like, "Oh my god, NOBODY can go faster than Nathalie!" and I pressed the gas until I passed the guy. I felt so accomplished :) 

The sad thing, though, is that the guy in his car probably didn't even give a damn that I went faster then him. In fact, he probably was staring off in front of him, listening to the radio and not even knowing I exist. But in my head, hes going "Oh damn, look at her go!". That leads me onto a new topic. When driving, do you feel as if everybody is watching your car? I always feel as if I have to impress the people around me with ma mad skillz. Like while changing lanes, instead of pulling into the lane, I have to swerve into the lane. Or when turning, I don't just do a normal turn, I hit the accelerator and turn like a madman. But maybe that's because when I drive there is a set of judges sitting at a table holding numbers up..... am I the only person who has judges watching me drive?

Well today was a boring day, so not much more to type. Until tomorrow, farewell dear friend. 

PS: didn't forget this :P

Monday, August 8, 2011


Hey, it's you again! Well, day two of my blogging adventures (and I use that term "adventures" very loosely, because i'm just sitting in front of my laptop). Today, I almost died. Seriously. And no, not from almost getting run over or almost driving off a cliff. Something much more serious. I almost died from too much math homework. I know, I know, you're probably thinking "Nathalie, that's such a bull shit thing to say. Math homework is not so bad!" (see reading you're minds again, aren't I?). Math homework in general is not so bad, until you take my calculus class. I honestly had to do roughly 90 problems today, and just regular problems, but those multi-part problems with a part a-z. I wonder if my professor just sits around thinking "how can I make Nathalie's life hell today?". I guess I deserve it though, because I was stupid enough to take calculus over the summer..... 

Lets take the time to talk about when the HELL will I ever use derivatives in real life. (if you don't know what derivatives are, good for you, I wish I never had to learn them). What, one day I will be driving when the speed limit sign will ask "What is the derivative of 50x-43 in mph?". Oh no, now I won't know how fast to go because I didn't solve for the derivative in time!!!!!! Yeah, like that will ever happen. 

Luckily for me, tomorrow is my final in math, so after that I have, get this, a whole TWO weeks off before actual classes start. (btw, did I emphasize the word two enough?) To be more precise {LOOK! I'm one of those annoying people who use words like precise} 12 days. That means that I get to enjoy a nice full 2 week summer vacation, while the rest of the world got to enjoy a mere 10 week summer. Jealous much? I know, you want to be me. Well, looks like this summer was another waste....  

Well, no one likes to read long things, so this is the end. When I am done typing this, I will fade away into the darkness, until tomorrow :P (see, didn't forget my P smiley face)

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Hey you!

Hey! I'm Nathalie, and this is my blog about random crap that comes to mind. :P (btw, I use :P a lot, that because when ever I post something that it funny, I usually stick my tongue out and turn my head sideways... I'm just kidding :P or am i.....).

So I guess you want to know a bit about me. Well too bad, i dont talk to strangers unless they have candy..... :P If you havent read the top paragraph, my name is Nathalie, and I am from California. I'm 16 years old, but I graduated high school already so I am a freshmen in college. "Wow Nathalie, how did you do that?" (see I can read your mind). Well, one day during my sophomore year in higschool, the principal came up to me, and said "This girl is just way to smart for highscool! Put her in college dammt!" I wish... actually I skipped two grades. And no, not two smart grades like 11th or 12th, I skipped kindergarden and preschool, so I went to first grade when I was 4.

But enough about my grades skipping. This blog is not about that. Its about grade hopping (grade skipping using only one foot) Seriously though, I have noticed that throughout my life, I get into some really awkward funny situations, so I decided that instead of keeping them as memories like a normal person does, I will type them out on the internet. Not that it matters though, because I am predicting that this blog will get like, what, 2 views. One of those views will be me, and the other view will be some guy who accidently typed in my url. Maybe I'll refresh the page a few hundred times to make it look as if i'm popular :P.

Alright, nobody likes to read things that are long, and this is getting kind of long, so good bye, ill post again tommorow :)